Long time, no chat!

My internet situation hasn’t improved, which means I’m not often motivated to spend hours adding photos to a blog post, but I wanted to update my blog anyway, so I’ll sacrifice. ;)

2020 has been weird, hasn’t it? It started out okay, and then, business-wise, I had a 10-week section of zero client sessions per New Brunswick business COVID regulations. I was able to reopen slowly in late May (with social distancing) and a bit further in June. Thankfully, my family remained healthy and we tackled the isolation and major life changes as well as we could. I hope you can say the same, but if not, I’m lending huge amounts of sympathy and care to those who have really struggling through this. It’s been a time.

Now it’s July, and sessions are picking up, with a fall that promises to be even more busy than usual. I wanted to update here for anyone who doesn’t follow me on social media - August is completely booked, and my list for September is full. October is nearly full. November has some room to add. So if you were planning to book a session, please contact me ASAP.

I’ve updated my FAQ section on my website with lots of useful information, and I’m working on adding even more client photos to my galleries as well as updated personal photos.

I’m not a website guru so the updates here are slow, but I’m working on it. I also have something new in the works that should launch in a few weeks so stay tuned!

May the rest of your July be restful, warm, sunny, and full of summer memories.
